I am trying to get the Taskbar to 'group' the related applications (the same way the windows taskbar does). I am also looking to have the SysTray to hide/unhide objects as well.

I have been unsuccessful so far. Here are links to the previous shots I have tried on the boards(Link & Link) Can someone please aid me with this? I am the type of person that normally runs around 30 GUI programs, so the grouping REALLY aids me. This functionality exists in RC, I just cant find it in DesktopX

If there is someone out here that can modify the source to the StarDock Objects, or write a new object that includes this functionality it would be MUCH APPRECIATED from my end.

on Oct 20, 2005
Can anyone tell me how to do this with the object? Or help in getting this modification done on this object?

TIA for all the help

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central